Posts tagged ‘Employment’

April 12, 2012


75% des entreprises (US) trouvent leurs candidats sur les Réseaux Sociaux. les DRH n’y vont pas chercher les photos de soirées arrosées comme le prétend le cliché, mais plutôt le dynamisme et le potentiel des candidats. La Northern Illinois University a montré qu’une analyse de profil Facebook montre mieux l’adéquation d’un candidat à un poste que l’analyse détaillée de sa personnalité et de son CV.

Une autre étude de la Cornell University a montré que les candidats trichent moins sur leur profil LinkedIn que sur un CV traditionnel (ce qui est normal puisque le CV sur LinkedIn est public.)


January 10, 2012

10 presentations on Social Media in HR & Recruiting

I utilize several resources to keep on top of what’s new and who’s saying what in the worlds of recruiting, social recruiting and human resources – and one of my favorite resources is

Lately, there have been several informative and helpful presentations uploaded related to using social media in HR and using social media for recruiting. Here are 10 favorites, with special thanks to Jennifer McLure, from Unbridledtalent.

January 7, 2012

Social Recruiting, how to get started

Today, staffing and corporate recruiters can leverage social media to post jobs and recruit talent, but it’s still new for a lot of organizations. This e-book will show you how to set up your social media profiles and highlight some social recruiting tips for finding the right talent for your business.

Hands-on and full of resources, with special thanks to Bullhorn Reach.

January 6, 2012

LinkedIn: Get automatic updates of job changes in your network

JobChangeAlert iPhone/iPad app helps you use LinkedIn effectively and has become a very popular tool for recruiters.

To extract full value from LinkedIn you need to know when your connections change their jobs. Know when your connection gets promoted, starts their own company, joins a new company or retires from their job.

The app will alert once a day with a list of LinkedIn connection who have changed their jobs. It also has a searchable list by time with all the job changes for the user to search and review when they need it. You can congratulate/message your connection from the app.

If you are in sales, marketing, recruiting, or a job seeker you need to download JobChangeAlert iPhone app.

January 5, 2012

What you get is what you give, Gen Y Recruitment

Gen Y is particularly sensitive to Corporate Social Responsability. Learn in this article, posted on TalentMinded, how you can make this work for your brand as an employer.

With special thanks to Autumn McReynolds for great content!

Showcase Community Involvement: A Recruitment Marketing Lesson in Giving Back

January 3rd, 2012
Use Recruitment Marketing to Tell Candidates Your Story About Charity Work

When competing for talent in a tough market, intangibles like company culture can help give you the edge when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best. A recent study from Deloitte found that 61% of Millennials who rarely or never volunteer consider a company’s commitment to the community when choosing an employer.

While there’s traditional community involvement and providing new ways for employees to volunteer, social giving projects create a unique opportunity to give back, showcase your company’s dedication to the community and grow your talent network at the same time.

Decide What Matters

Flipping their motto “Chase What matters” to “Decide What Matters,” Chase’s Community Giving program recently gave $3 million in charitable donations to over 100 charities – all based on votes. The highest-voted charity received $250,000 for their cause, and the other top 99 also received funds.

Recruitment Marketing Lesson in Giving Back

While your organization might not have the resources to donate millions of dollars, you can still find ways to creatively leverage your existing community involvement through social media and other recruitment marketing techniques. Another great example of giving back via social media is SCA’s Red Cross campaign, which donated 1 Euro to the Red Cross for each new fan gained throughout the month of November.

Chase’s Community Giving campaign also exemplifies lesson number nine from our consumer to recruitment marketing campaign lessons – making content sharable. Because different charities and their supporters were awarded funds based on their number of votes, Chase made it easy to share, “like” and comment on favorites.

By following their lead and giving back to the community, potential employees are more likely to consider you an employer of choice. And remember, don’t be shy about sharing charity and volunteer opportunities with your talent community. You can post photos and testimonials on your corporate careers site or Facebook careers page for more visibility.;cookie=info;kvwb=i;

Mandy Cornish

Author: Mandy Cornish

Mandy Cornish graduated with a degree in journalism and when that didn’t pan out (surprise, surprise), she found a new home in social media marketing. She also works to create unique events throughout Chicago with her company, Booth25. Connect with Mandy on Twitter @setsko or at

December 20, 2011

The ideal global HR Manager in 2020: Are you like her?

· That 75 % is female and females make up a total of 46.3% of the total workforce; by 2020 it will be 3 to 1 ratio female to male total workforce;
· Her title is HR Director or HR Manager normally; will probably stay the same
· She normally reports to the President/CEO directly; this will remain the case in 2020;
· She has an influential seat in the inner circle of strategic planning within the organization; will have a stronger role in 2020
· She wears multiple hats which consist of only HR related duties 45% of the time; ethics/compliance issues 34%; and internal communications and other duties after that; by 2012 she will have a project team working on these items.
· She does outsource some functions such as Backgrounds and Reference Checks 34% of the time; Payroll 24%; but she will also keep these things in house; in 2020 it’s automated, information is instantly available, may have a hiring team that works on this.
· She may have a department of 2 to 75 people she is in charge of; she may have that many team projects at the same time, globally
· She may or may not currently have a degree in HR most likely she will not have a degree at all; OJT Degree; this is changing
· She uses web sites 91% of the time to stay current in her job; seminars are second; audio conferences are third; and webcasts seem to be climbing in popularity; in 2020 it will be waiting on her because her “bot” has found the information for her.
· She posts 75% + of her job positions online; in 2020 she will have pools of dedicated teams and networks that she can throw projects too.
· She finds the best information about the applicant from the in person interviews 71% of the time; application 9%; references 7%; resume 5%; Background Checks 5%; Information will flow faster; interviewing will remain the same or higher
· It takes her about one to four weeks to normally fill a position; this should not be an issue in 2020 as she is global.